Research Papers |
R. Tripathi, D. Sharma, M. Dwivedi, S.I. Rizvi and N.Mishra. Wheat grass incorporation as a viable strategy to enhance nutritional quality of an edible formulation. Annals of Phytomedicine. June 2017 Vol. 6, Issue, 01, pp. 1-8 (2017).
Puranik Vinita, *Mishra Neetu, KumariArchana and TripathiRenu. Development and optimization of value added bread using response surface methodology. International Journal of Current Research. January 2017 Vol. 9, Issue, 01, pp. 45314-45319 (2017).
Mishra N, Puranik V, Prajapati A, Kaur D and Tripathi R. Development and Optimization of value added biscuits using Response Surface Methodology. International Research Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences. October 2016 Vol 3, Issue 10. (2016).
Neetu Mishra*, RenuTripathi, Zeba Khan and Shruti. Physicochemical and Antioxidant Potential of Garlic: Heat Processing Effects. Journal of Agricultural Engineering and Food Technology. Volume 4, Issue 2; April-June, (2017), pp. 127-133.
Mrs.Mamta R. Deo and RenuTripathi. Nutritional Assessment of Different Faculty of Student in Kamla Devi RathiMahilaMahavidhyalaya, Rajnandgaon. Surging Research Waves- A Multidisciplinary Annual Research Journal.
Swati Agarwal ,RenuTripathi, Abubakar Mohammed , Syed Ibrahim Rizvi and Neetu Mishra. Effects of thymol supplementation against type 2 diabetes in streptozotocin-induced rat model. Plant Archives. Vol. 20 Supplement 1, 2020 pp. 863-869 e-ISSN:2581-6063(online),ISSN:0972-5210.
Neetu Mishra, RenuTripathiand MadhureshDwivedi. Development and Characterization of Antioxidant Rich Wheatgrass Cupcake. Carpathian journal of food science and technology. 2020, 12:(3) 126-138.
RenuTripathi, Swati Agarwal, Syed Ibrahim Rizviand Neetu Mishra. The Antioxidant Efficacy of Wheatgrass (Triticumaestivum) on Mercuric Chloride (HgCl2) –Induced Oxidative Stress in Rat Model. Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science.ISSN: 2347-467X, Vol. 09, No. (2) 2021. |
Project/Seminar/Conferences/Workshop Attended: |
- International conference on “Biological Sciences and Bio-Statistics” from 09-10 March, 2017 Organized by School of Science, U. P. RajarshiTandon Open University, Allahabad, U.P., India. (poster)
- National symposium on “Current updates in biochemistry” on 26th February 2017 Organized by Department of Biochemistry, MLN Medical College, Allahabad, U.P. (Poster).
- National conference on “Nutritional Functional & Safety Challenges of Food and Health Issues in the Current Scenario” from 6-7 October, 2016, Organized by Department of Foods and Nutrition, Ethelind School of Home science, SHIATS, Allahabad. (Poster).
- International conference on “Recent advances in food processing and biotechnology” from 5th- 6th April 2016 at BHU, Varanasi (Poster).
- National symposium on “Women Health and Nutritional Security Issues and Challenges” on 26th November 2015 at SHIATS, Allahabad (Oral & Poster).
- National cnference on “Changing Status of Families: Impact on Resources and Qulity of Life” from 15-16 February, 2011, Organized by Department of Foods and Nutrition, Halina School of Home science, SHIATS, Allahabad. (Poster)
- National Workshop on “Innovative Trends of Statistics in Modern Research Methodology, from 14-20 March, 2015’’ Organized by School of Sciences UPRTOU, Allahabad.
- Certificate of Participation in 7 days National Nutrition week 1st to 7th September 2010, organized by Department of Foods and Nutrition, Halina School of Home science, SHIATS, Allahabad.
- Certificate for active Participation in Bakery Training 9th to 23rd September 2011, organized by Department of Foods and Nutrition, Halina School of Home science, SHIATS, Allahabad.
· International conference on biotecthnology and biological sciences- BIOSPECTRUM-2019. University of Engineering & Management, Kolkata. 8-10 August 2019, IEM, KOLKATA (Poster).
· State level workshop on “Recent Advances in Mathematics and their Applications” on 21 December 2018 (National Mathematics Day) sponsored by Chhattisgarh Council of Science and Technology NCSTC, DST, Govt. of India, organized by the Department of Mathematics Govt. K.D.R.M.P.G College (R.J.N, C.G).
· Training program on ‘IPR, GI and Organic Facilitation in Centre of Food Technology, University of Allahabad. |