DR. OMKAR LAL SHRIVASTAVA, Head, Dept. of Mathematics
Chairman, Biodiversity Management CommitteeRajnandgaon
1. Qualification - M.Sc., Ph. D
2. Topic of Ph. D Thesis- “On the Mathematical Contribution of Nemichandra SiddhantaChakravarti
3. Teaching Experience - About 27 + Years
4. Specialization -Astronomy & Cosmology, Differential & Integral, Equations,History of Mathematics.
5. Research work - Mathematicsof Vedas, Jaina Mathematics, Application of Mathematics in Environmental and Social Sciences , MedicinalPlants,.
6. Orientation / RefresherCourse- 04
7. Project work- Major project under the PROJECT OF UNICEF , CIDA &DFID with PHEDGovt of C.G. : “ Child Environment ,Sanitation, Personal Hygieneand Water Supply, Major Project - survey of 405 villages of (Rajnandgaon ,Dongargaon, Ambagarh chauki, Chhuriya Block ) ofRajnandgaon District has been completed in 2002 and Baseline survey reportpublished and produced before higher level authorities of Government of India ,
8. Published/ presentedpaper 1. 10 Researchpapers published in ISSN Journals and 01 paper published in a book withISBN
2.54 Research articles Presented &Abstract Published
3 81 Popular articles on different topics published in Newspapers/ Magazines
9. Seminar/conference - 15 International seminar /Conferences
- 54 National seminar/ conferences/ workshops
10.Invited Talk -12 Invited Talk Delivered in International and 18 NationalSeminar / Conferences/ workshops organized by reputed Universities like JNU andIITs, BITS Pilani , NIT Manipur etc.
11. Published books 1.“Gramino Ke Arthik VikasKe Liye Aushadhiya Paudhon Ki Kheti“ Published by Govt. Digvijay College 1998
2Rashtriya Seva Yojna Margdarshika By NSS in 2002
3. Editor of “Chintan Samagri “
4. Editor of “ Prashikshana Samhita” of NSS
5. Editor of “ Annual Report of National Service Scheme Govt. of Chhattisgarh, Deptt.of Higher Education Book No 3,4&5 Published by National Service Scheme, Department Of Higher Education. Govt. of Chhattisgarh.
12. Achievements Academic: (Life Member) Can be verifiedfrom their websites
1. Indian Science Congress Association, Calcutta
2. Bharat Ganita Parishad Lucknow
3. Indian Society for History of Mathematics, New Delhi
4. National Academy of Mathematics, Gorakhpur.
5. Swadeshi science movement of India , New Delhi
6 Indian Mathematical Society
7 International Academy of PhysicalSciences
8 Calcutta Mathematical Society
9 The Tensor Society of India
10 Indian Society of Theoretical and AppliedMechanics,IIT Kharagpur
11. Indian Society of Information Theory andApplications (ISITA)
12. Indian Astronomical Society
13. Vijnana Parishad of India
13. ExtracurricularAchievements-(i). Served as N. S. S. Officer at Govt. College JunnardeoFrom 1 October 1993 to 28June 1995 and Organised 02 Ten days camp at Hanotiyaand Navegaon successfully and other activities.
(ii). Served as N. S. S.Officer At Govt. P. G. College Chhindawara From 1 October 1995 to 07 August1997 and Organised 02 Ten days camp at Chargaon and Madanpur .
(iii). Served as N. S.S. Officer At Govt. Digvijay P. G. College Rajnandgaon From 1 October 1995 to 07July 2002
(iv).Served as DistrictCoordinator NSS of Rajnandgaon and Kawardha District from 2002 to 2004
(v). Workedas State Liaison Officer of National Service Scheme from14/7/04 to 29/7/06 and increased the number of students participation in NSSfrom 30000 to 75000 in just two years. Due to my outstanding works in NSS, I was selected as StateLiaison Officer, N. S. S. in Deptt. Of Higher Education, Govt .ofChhattisgarh by high level committee presided by Additional Chief secretary ofC. G. Govt. and worked from 14/07/2004 to 29/07/2006 as SLO NSS and alsodeclared as Deputy Secretary of higher education Deptt. By G.A.D. on 16/06/2005and worked excellently.
(vi). Worked asex-officio Deputy Secretary of higher Education Deptt. Govt. ofChhattisgarh form 17/6/05 to 29/7/06.
14. Award - Received Red andWhite Social Bravery award (Bronze) from the hands ofthe Governor of Chhattisgarh state on 17 Dec.2004.
15. Member ofthe District Vigilance and Evaluation committee of Ranjandgaon District.2001to2008
16. Worked as Member secretary in From July 2004, 2005and July 2006 State Level NSS Advisory Committee Headed by Minister of HigherEducation of Govt. of Chhattisgarh.
17. Worked as Membersecretary in From July 2004, 2005 and July 2006 State Level NSS CoordinationCommittee Headed by Chief Secretary of Govt. of Chhattisgarh.
18. Assistedin the preparation of Red Data Book of Rare & endangered medicinal plants ofChhattisgarh and Madhypradesh for UNDP prepared by FRLHT Banglore in IndianInstitute of forest management, Bhopal.
19. Delivered key note Address, Invited/lecturein Refresher course International/ national / Regionalseminar/Workshops/Conferences of Mathematics
20 . Delivered manylectures On cultivation of medicinal plants and also organizedworkshops /seminar/Training for farmers/ women/NSS officers and Volunteers .
21. Done many socialwork and awareness programmes with the help of NSS Volunteers. In Madanpurvillege of Chhindawara district. I with the help of NSS volunteers motivatedthe people to demolish willingly the encroachment of 73 houses themselvesin 1996 and widened he narrow passage to 15 feet, while earlier a bullock -cartcould not pass through the village It motivated people of Dhavalpur also todemolish their encroachments themselves. It was a unique work of publicawareness, mobilization and Involvement.
22. Under myguidance, stop -dams, tardams and permanent structures in watershed managementwere constructed by NSS volunteers, with the help of villager. In Dhangaon,Beltikri, Buddhubhrad, Kohaka Somni, Litiya in Rajnandgaon. andChargaon, Jaitpurkala, Dharamtekari in Chhindawara District, Dodakachaura ofJashpur District by Shramdan .
23. Many villagersand NSS students planted medicinal plants and other plants under myGuidance of about 45 villages.
24 . Medicinalparks were constructed under my Guidance in many schools & places collegesin the state.
25. Associatedwith Janbhagidari samiti of Digvijay college from 2011to 2015,
26. Member ofadvisory committee of Bamleshvari federation, Rajnandgaon
27 Memberof Prachya vidya Shodh mandal Rajnandgaon,
28 Member of Governing Body of Sriram College Rajnandgaon
29 Served asHOD, C.S. & I.T. andNodal officer and Coordinator of e-Classroom in2007-2008 session and Served as HOD Mathematics from 2013 to 2015 of Digvijay College Rajnandgaon
30 Served as Joint publicity secretary of the Tensor Society ofIndia, Lucknow 2009-2010
31 Doing effort to save the mother earth by awareness programmes by deliveringlectures in Schools , colleges, social meetings, in villages (about180 Lecturesdelivered till date) between different groups of society and through News papers , T.V. etc.
32. Delivered Invited talk in training programmeof Deputy Collectors in Chhattisgarh Administrative Academy
33. I am a member of executive Council ofVijnana Parishad of India from 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2020 (Twoterms) and now elected for third term from 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2023.
34. I am an Invitee Member of Executive Council of International Academyof Physical Sciences From 2019.
35. Coordinator of AISHE from 2015 of Kamla College.
36. SPOC of NPTEL -SVAYAM of Local Chapter Kamla College.